What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is Japanese. "Rei" means Spiritual Consciousness or Universal Consciousness.
"Ki" means Life Energy. This is the Universal Life Force energy a practitioner uses to balance the body's Chakras.
Reiki is a Japanese hands on healing system. It is a form of energy healing that passes through the hands of the healer to the patient. This transfer of healing energy can take place through touch or intention. This energy is directed by Divine power and facilitates healing to the greatest need of the individual.

Benefits of Reiki
Stress reduction
Emotional, mental, spiritual and physical healing
Can open the door for positive life changes and balance
Can speed healing and enhance effects of medical treatments and therapy's. (Do not stop any medical treatments or medications unless directed to by a Physician)
Safe during pregnancy
Safe for infants,children, adults and animals
Reiki involves positive energy and cannot cause harm or negative effects
Can help spiritual and personal development